Community Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in learning more about Feels!
Whether you're interested in contributing, stocking Feels in your shop, or simply reading one of our issues, we want to share with you the lens through which we see the world, and thus, what we publish.
- We are called Feels. We want to talk about feelings! This has and always will be our number one guideline for contributors. Even when we talk to experts in a given field, we look for stories that relate back the self.
- This is not an advice publication. "This worked for me!" is fantastic. "This will work for you, too!", not so much. We accept pieces that include practices and lessons that folks have learned, but we feel it's vitally important that Feels be a place for sharing experiences, not one of advising others. Some things work for one person and not for others, and that's totally fine!
- Feels is about inclusion. We believe very strongly that the more we learn about each other, the more we learn about ourselves, and the more we can coexist in harmony. We share space in our pages with everyone, and therefore will not accept any pieces that feel discriminatory or marginalizing. We are a feminist, sex-positive, LGBTQ+ friendly, anti-racist, anti-colonial publication.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us directly at